You Are a
Healing Human.

A Collective Space of Healing Modalities

What does it mean to be a Healing Human?

Being a Healing Human means embracing the innate power within yourself to heal, transform, and overcome the obstacles that stand in your way. It involves nurturing your body, mind, heart and spirit, by addressing the past, present and preparing for the future. At Healing Human, we believe that each individual has the capacity to heal themselves with the right support and guidance.

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When we take the time to nurture our own well-being, we create a ripple effect that extends far beyond our individual selves. By addressing our own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs, we not only become better equipped to support and care for those around us, but we also contribute to the profound and transformative process of generational healing.


Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine established in the 1800s that uses highly diluted and potentized substances to stimulate the body's self-healing processes. It is based on the principle of "like cures like," where a substance that causes a certain set of symptoms under specific conditions is used to cure those same symptoms. This modality of healing appreciates the body’s expressions of symptoms for this reason.


Yoga is a holistic practice originating from ancient India, encompassing physical postures, breath control, meditation, and ethical principles. It nurtures your mind, body, and soul to achieve overall wellness. It is the perfect complementary practice to homeopathy as they both support the vital life force, or prana, as it is referred to in yogic philosophy.


Reiki is an effective, non-invasive therapy for those seeking to relieve stress and pain, induce relaxation, release emotional wblockages, accelerate natural healing, balance subtle energy bodies, and support other medical modalities including traditional Western therapies. Rather than treating the issue or symptom alone, reiki treatments allow you to relax, helps restore balance, and promote an inner peace where the body and mind are supported to naturally heal on their own terms.

“You are in the time consuming process of great transformation.”

— Sarah Blondin.

